Datalife Engine Türkçe Yama İndir

Datalife Engine 14.0

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» » » » Translate theme from russian

Translate theme from russian

wexio 17-07-2015, 11:48
Hello i had buy a script for town and the developer promised me to translate all in English but him was joking only :( after i paid the script no answer from him so can anyone translate for me the theme in english and tell me how much will cost me
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wexio 18 Temmuz 2015 03:30

thank you sir

all the files it will be used for my site londramea(.)uk
the script that i paid for is the town portal

How much will cost me the translate
3 779
MaRZoCHi 17 Temmuz 2015 19:46
I can translate.But template has more files for translating. Will you use all tpl files on your site? If not: please delete unnecessary tpl files and upload again.
