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Help on template Sahifa

kenvin 20-04-2017, 17:44
I use the template Sahifa I want to delete the display short description and full description
In the main.tpl file in the line
[aviable=main]<div class="cat-box-title"> <h2>Blog Block</h2> <div class="stripe-line"></div> </div> [/aviable]

I removed it showing 2 thumbnails and the big ones are deleted in any file

Help on template Sahifa

Use the command can page before and after page {speedbar} or {info}, {content}

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Yorum Ekleyebilmeniz için Sitemize Kayıt Olmanız Gerekmektedir.
kenvin 23 Nisan 2017 08:35
@Hagen, You how I find all the template can not find from that
kenvin 20 Nisan 2017 20:15
@MaRZoCHi, Thank you for finding out as much as you say thank you, for asking at the foot of the letter Нименование Количество ... it is located in any directory.

In .tpl there are many additions to
class = "item-list tie_ [xfvalue_postype]
how to use it.
When there is a template for this version 11.3
3 779
MaRZoCHi 20 Nisan 2017 18:17
You can not show full_story on main.tpl
On main.tpl only short_story aviable
