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Forum Tam Ekran

KAYA 2-12-2014, 20:08
Selamın Aleyküm @Mehmet Kardeşim.

Şimdi Sen Diceksin Forumda Css Kodu Eklenmiştir. (=

Forum Default Teması (Harici Mybb) Tarzı Ful Ekran, Açılma İmkanı Yokmu?

Vermiş Olduğun Kod Sadece Temada Bulunan Sidebar 'ı Kaldırıp otomatik Olarak Forum-u Uzatıyor.
Konu Hakkında Yardımınız İçin teşekkür Ederim..

İyi Çalışmalar.
Çözüldü İşleme Alındı Çözülemedi
Yorum Ekleyebilmeniz için Sitemize Kayıt Olmanız Gerekmektedir.
dlestarter 2 Aralık 2014 22:12
as far as i can tell, if you are using SimpleBB forum then please note this forum is using section as "category", so the simple way to make your theme in full width and/or remove specific blocks from displaying when you are in forum section, you can simply use tags in main.tpl
[category=x] text [/category] 
[not-category=x] text [/not-category]

For example, if your forum category ID = 10 and you want to remove left and right sidebar then you cause wrap the tag around those sections in main.tpl like this
sidebar html code in main.tpl here

This will remove sidebar whiel you visiting forum, now the trick here is template css structures different depending on the theme, most of theme use width for left, right and main columns, so you must remove those css from your css file and place in main.tpl instead and wrap the style with tags above, example in "Default" theme, you want to remvoe left sidebar then your main.tpl should look like this
<div id="sidebar" class="lcol">
	{include file="sidebar.tpl"}

Now remove css from style/styles.css and place before </head> like this
<style type="text/css">
.vsep {
    padding-left: 289px;
    background: url("../images/shadow_left.png") repeat-y -3px 0;
.vsep {

But this is not accurate because the them using image for background, so you will need to edit more in css and may need to edit image as well because it's sprite image...so it's not very easy word to tell since different themes are totally different design, but the concept is the same.