» » » » Fixed bug upload pictures automatically deleted from the server

Fixed bug upload pictures automatically deleted from the server

kenvin 8-11-2016, 06:19
Fixed bug upload pictures automatically deleted from the server means that you can post to download images from the computer to the server in the folder uploads / post / 2016-10 / xxxxx.png or uploads / files / 2016- 10 in host ftp completely empty folder does not lead to the article display how to fix this. If used with an image link, use the command
[leech] [/ leech]
it does not display the image. Thank you
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kenvin 12 Kasım 2016 06:38
I understood this problem it still exists in the server it only path error in this article completely inactive
kenvin 12 Kasım 2016 05:34
How to restore the image in the folder if the recovery that correct filename without display and best set date server is the little
3 779
MaRZoCHi 11 Kasım 2016 23:05
In admin panel, you can deactive "Automatically delete unused images from server (days)"
