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How To Delete 3rd Party Modules In Version 12.0

kenvin 12-09-2017, 19:41
When you remove each folder that has already been deleted, then the modules it still has on the error will say "The file or module you specified is not found in the manager" so how to remove from the module name
How To Delete 3rd Party Modules In Version 12.0
How To Delete 3rd Party Modules In Version 12.0
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3 779
MaRZoCHi 21 Eylül 2017 20:19
I don't know, perhaps dle-news.ru can add to next versions..

kenvin 21 Eylül 2017 19:26
@MaRZoCHi, Why there is no delete button in the admin panel like the previous version.
I wait for the DLE version to have a direct module installation feature like wordprees when installing a module without the need for complicated FTP

I did not find anything
3 779
MaRZoCHi 16 Eylül 2017 20:17
From phpMyAdmin etc. dle_admin_section table contains "Other modules" data.
