Datalife Engine Türkçe Yama İndir

Datalife Engine 14.0

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» » » » Another Addnews.php / .tpl

Another Addnews.php / .tpl

xDaMoNx 8-06-2018, 21:27
hello, i want to create another addnews. or an addblog.php. as far as everything works as it should, but unfortunately because the xfields are not taken over. what do I have to do so that the xfields are taken over?
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mark1111 5 Eylül 2018 00:11
how to use [catlist=x] or [category=x] tag in addnews?
I can not use standard {xfields} because I have changed xfield np for checkbox and this is not in datalife engine,or how to add a checkbox to xfield in the engine.
<div class="sep-qu"><input type="checkbox" name="xfield[69-position]" id="69-position" value="1"/>&nbsp;<label for="69-position"> 69 Position</label><br></div>
and I would like it to be displayed only in category 2

xDaMoNx 11 Haziran 2018 22:23
Alıntı: MaRZoCHi

thank you for reply :) 

If I change this and then create an article I will be directed back to the input
3 779
MaRZoCHi 11 Haziran 2018 16:31
$_REQUEST['mod'] == "addnews" replace to ....

xDaMoNx 10 Haziran 2018 14:46
thank you for your reply

I did exactly as you described it, but the xfield will not work. I will see the xfields in addnews2.php but the content will not be taken over. the xfield stays empty. I have an xfield as an image and if I then upload a picture at addnews2.php it will not be saved. but everything works as usual at addnews.php
3 779
MaRZoCHi 10 Haziran 2018 14:15
Copy engine/modules/addnews.php as engine/modules/addnews2.php
Copy THEME/addnews.tpl as THEME/addnews2.tpl
Open engine/engine.php, find case "addnews" : ( copy cas block ) case "addfilm": include ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/addnews2.php';

You can access

Open addnews2.php and find addnews.tpl, change to addnews2.tpl
