Datalife Engine 14.0
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Work Customize Template

II put the new templ but have problems and I would like someone who SOLVES the problems
I installed the template kinopchel and I did the trudation but in the pm Page Does NOT appesi browsing the pages of PM
that is, there are no page numbers below to go to the second page of the page
also the reCAPTCHA and security question does not appear when you put comments or send pm.
There is something wrong with the codec for
this pay for or paypal or visa who wants to fix this thing.
I'm waiting
You can see the picture to understand the problem of PM
Thanks for your support
II put the new templ but have problems and I would like someone who SOLVES the problems
I installed the template kinopchel and I did the trudation but in the pm Page Does NOT appesi browsing the pages of PM
that is, there are no page numbers below to go to the second page of the page
also the reCAPTCHA and security question does not appear when you put comments or send pm.
There is something wrong with the codec for
this pay for or paypal or visa who wants to fix this thing.
I'm waiting
You can see the picture to understand the problem of PM
Thanks for your support
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Yorum Ekleyebilmeniz için Sitemize Kayıt Olmanız Gerekmektedir.
Cevap Yazılmayan Konular
- Oluşturulan Kategoriyi Yazara Özgü
- Makale Eklerken Html İçerik Eklemek?
- Rss.tpl İçin İlave Alan Kullanımı
- Yorum Sabitleme
- Facebook Ve Google İle Giriş Yapanlar
- Dle 13.1 İçin Ajax Navigasyonu
- Kayıt Sayfasında Facebookla Kayıt
- Sunucuya Dosya Ekleniyor Ancak
- Tema Orta Kısım Genişliği
- Meta Keywords Hakkında Soru
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- Dle De Logo Kırık Görünüyor Ve Resim
- Merhaba Dle Uzmanı Lazım
- Makale Eklerken Html İçerik Eklemek?
- Rss.tpl İçin İlave Alan Kullanımı
- Yorum Sabitleme
- Facebook Ve Google İle Giriş Yapanlar
- {views} Tagını Kullanmak
- Sunucuya Dosya Ekleniyor Ancak
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