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Datalife Engine 14.0

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» » » » Im looking for tech to optimize CMS is Datalife Engine causes

Im looking for tech to optimize CMS is Datalife Engine causes

alix2012 1-03-2017, 00:07
im looking for tech to optimize MySQL server 4.5GB
and optimize CMS is Datalife Engine .
my site on the server goes slow because too many request Query between thae script and databas...
and My provider told me (((( You Should think about load balancing between two servers or log optimize database queries.)))
my server is very strong and managed from masterdc ...
and I do not know what I should do the site is the site is too slow...I can not understand what's the problem in the script that causes all this damage and overload database
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alix2012 31 Mart 2017 11:23
sorry for the delay.
I solved and I took another server to only database
My database 6gb , now the site work fine
3 779
MaRZoCHi 2 Mart 2017 12:36
What's your DLE, PHP and MySQL versions?
