Datalife Engine 14.0
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CharMap module
Few days ago i noticed high load on my vps, the vps hosting support asked me to stop/remove CharMap module because it cause high load .. after i removed the module files from "engine/modules/" folder the load gone, after that i noticed also that static pages not working, it shows " No articles found or you do not have access to them." .
The module is very important so can anyone help me to make module work again without causing load, also to fix static pages ... Thanks
Few days ago i noticed high load on my vps, the vps hosting support asked me to stop/remove CharMap module because it cause high load .. after i removed the module files from "engine/modules/" folder the load gone, after that i noticed also that static pages not working, it shows " No articles found or you do not have access to them." .
The module is very important so can anyone help me to make module work again without causing load, also to fix static pages ... Thanks
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- Dle 13.1 İçin Ajax Navigasyonu
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- Makale Eklerken Html İçerik Eklemek?
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