Datalife Engine Türkçe Yama İndir

Datalife Engine 14.0

  • Temalara yeni taglar eklendi ve geliştirildi
  • Yeni AirPlay medya oynatıcısı eklendi
  • 1500 adet yeni ifade (emoji) eklendi


Kendi yapımımız olan modüllerin neredeyse tamamını ücretsiz olarak Github üzerinden yayımladık. Sadece bu modüller için "destek" verilecektir.

We are on Github

Almost all of our own modules have been released free of charge via Github. We support only these modules

Module prefix

kenvin 26-09-2016, 08:53
Hello I want the help module prefix used to identify articles that say what will display all color such as red, green, blue ... each category will have different colors to easily post selected specialist ink.
Example: News red, green Game, the Game category picking apart the homepage would look [GAME] ONLINE GAME

Module prefix

Module Google Driver
Çözüldü İşleme Alındı Bekliyor Çözülemedi
Yorum Ekleyebilmeniz için Sitemize Kayıt Olmanız Gerekmektedir.
kenvin 3 Ekim 2016 07:50
You ask so it does not have specific guidelines to follow his actions it not do? I do not know that people do not understand this problem?
For example: You often write some regular titled What it does not stand out, but it must be the first in red blue, yellow, orange, darker and there's background Riddle. You see right image will understand differences
- blue News
- Reviews orange
- yellow Guide ....
3 779
MaRZoCHi 2 Ekim 2016 11:46
@kenvin, if you want, you can use category icon field in "Category" section. And insert this code to fullstory or shortstory...
<span class="btn btn-{category-icon} btn-sm">{category}</span>

kenvin 2 Ekim 2016 07:17
@MaRZoCHi, Hello

I also have ideas as you say create 2 text and color fields when the code
[xfvalue_color] and [xfvalue_text] 
put into fullstory.tpl file search code{title} but trouble as follows
1/ Create color and text fields will have few options as field types, the value of it
-Choice of 3 in 1 as follows:
-Use as desired (you can leave this field blank)
-The safety mode of a field (disable BBcode tags and HTML)
-Use the value areas like cross-link

2/ don't want to insert the field into fullstory.tpl take much time just want it directly in the post

Will be located in the article title and item categories
Of which:
-The main article title is the title text
-Main category is the color of categories such as HELP, FAQ, MOD, the SALE ... all I saw DLE will change so look at it were very great.
Have more than 1 week are build in version 11.2 will soon release has redesigned expecting help from the community of brothers
3 779
MaRZoCHi 30 Eylül 2016 23:39
You can create two fields for color and text. Than use like this:
<span class="btn btn-[xfvalue_color] btn-sm">[xfvalue_text]</span>
