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Datalife Engine 14.0

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» » » » Error in fresh copy of MWS film reader v 1.6.2

Error in fresh copy of MWS film reader v 1.6.2

agbutt 31-10-2015, 12:25
Hi All, I just got copy of Film reader module. I installed it on my locahost. Most of the functions are working properly but few of them are not working. following are some errors which I am facing (IMDB Plugin)
1: Video Trailer : The data cant read for trailer sometime only show blank area (Screenshot)
2 : Short story missing in most of the movies
3 : Screenshots are missing (screens is simple default xfield, do I need to change it to BB editor or WYSIWYG)
4 : Xfields are not clickable
5: XF1 and XF2 button not working . I can't copy the code by clicking them
6: how to Leech IMDB URLs ?
Thanks in advance
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3 779
MaRZoCHi 31 Ekim 2015 14:24
Module updated.
1) Video trailer searching blocked by Google. They set a limit for video searching.. ( Now each user use own API key for trailer searching )
2) Sometime, sites updating. So plugins not working properly. ( Please write target links and plugin version )
3) Screenshot feature are removed from current version for adding new feature. But not completed new feature yet. So, added back for new versions..
4) Whichs xfields? Did you use right tags? And xfields should be "not clickable".
5) Maybe your browser blocked this feature. You can write manually:
XF1: [xfvalue_FIELDNAME]
XF2: [xfgiven_FIELDNAME] [xfvalue_FIELDNAME] [/xfgiven_FIELDNAME]
6) Please watch module video before using ;)
